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Salvatore Bersani Srl

Vicenza, Italy
Rating 4.09 11 Votes | Rate Now
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Dealing In :

Gold Jewelry, Silver Jewelry

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They must have been his experience as a jewelry merchant and his irrepressible desire to emerge, to bring Salvatore Bersani where he is today? Certainly a bit 'of one and a lot of the other, combined with a natural inclination towards breaking the schemes and innovation, in accordance with a goldsmith classical culture. Testimony of CIN are its men's collections. Chains, bracelets and unique accessories for design and attention to detail. And what about the runaway success of Cleopatra online, become a workhorse imitated even today? But the past is the past and how important are the successes, we continue to look forward, with the usual enthusiasm and desire to innovate. So room for experimentation, daring pairing, the solutions to reduce weight without reducing hedonistic satisfaction of men and women who will wear with pride, the new jewels of Charleston online. Gold and Big Penis combined to play down and make them more portable. A line which marks the company's entry in different market areas, without removing the label Bersani one gram of prestige and charm.

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